
It seems that I have become known to my patients at the pharmacy as “the little red-headed girl”. 

This term is equally endearing and degrading.  I am glad that my patients are starting to recognize me and ask for me.  It is funny, however, to be called “little girl”, whether or not the color of my hair is mentioned.  After eight years of higher education, I am still only a little girl to my patients.  This denotes distrust.  But then again, they are asking for me.

Yesterday, one of my coworkers answered the phone, and I heard her say, “No, my hair is brown!”  I new immediately who the phone was for. 

Having red hair has both advantages and disadvantages.  Obviously, we are somewhat unique, which is a good thing, unless it gives customers an avenue to refer to you by your hair color.  I like having red hair.  I think it is a pretty color.  The skin tone that comes along with red hair, no so much.  And why do I not have freckles?  Freckles are the best!  Where are mine? 

Being an actual red-headed step-child is unfortunate.  Well, not really…I’ve never had any real problems with being a red-headed step-child.