
This morning I slept in late, so by the time got up and went downstairs to let the hounds out, Brandon had beat me to it.  One of my favorite things in life to do is watch the hounds when they do not know I am watching.  This happens best in this very situation…when I come downstairs and they are already outside.  I can observe their behaviour through the glass door. 

On this particular morning, first thing before the pillow creases on my face had gone away, I saw a sweet baby boy observing the world from his porch.

This was such a soulful photo that I decided to play around with editing it.

This was my favorite.  I am so glad I was able to capture moving moment of my basset hound contemplating life.  What is life all about Earl?  Is life only about biscuits…and chasing squirrels…and belly rubs…and peeing on what’s yours? 

All that you see, Earl, this is your domain!  Pee all over it!  It may not be much, but it’s yours!  Your yard, your trees, and your porch. 

Oh no!  He caught me watching him!  It’s over now!  This is the moment Earl remembered that life is about more than belly rubs and biscuits.  Earl’s life, all of our lives are all about love.